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Coridοthymus Capitatus

The Sumerians were using thyme since 3,500 BC

The Egyptians called "Tham" and besides seasoning, used it in the embalming process.

In Greece, the legend wants to grow from the tears of Helen and was a symbol of strength and bravery.

Thyme was burned during the feasts in honor of the goddess Aphrodite feasts as it was believed to have an arousing effect.

Alexander the Great while marching to Asia, took baths in thyme decoction for physical stimulation but also to ... escape lice!

The Romans burned thyme in their farmhouses to eliminate scorpions and snakes, while the legionnaires were washed with water scented with thyme to gain vigor and energy. Also the Romans believed that thyme consumption during a meal would protect from possible poisoning.


Etymologically, the thymus, as the ancients called it, probably derived from the word "thyo", which originally had the meaning of "strong blow" or "burn" or "destroy" and later "sacrifice".


During the Middle Ages Thyme, whether branches of the actual plant or as an embroidery was a symbolic gift for the Crusaders who left for the Holy Land.


The Pechlivanis (touring wrestlers) in the Black Sea, filled their pillow filled dried thyme to draw strength and courage.


In the 14th century, during the plague epidemic that struck Europe, compresses with vinegar and thyme, were considered to provide protection form the disease. In fact, Thymol. one of the chemical compounds found in thyme is a powerful antiseptic and still used today as a mouthwash, hand sanitizer to surgery and medication against acne.


In some Balkan countries, it is still customary to burn thyme in the house and the barn to keep out infectious diseases.

In the Cyclades and Crete, with thyme closed the mouth of the pitcher of water to keep clean.


Thyme was one of the components of "pantisach kouvvet" the aphrodisiac filter regularly consumed by the sultans of the Ottoman Empire and an essential ingredient in the " amatorium" , aphrodisiacs filters prepared by the witches of ancient Rome.

In the forests of Europe, the rare spectacle of thyme was an indication that in that place they set their dancing fairies, while ordinary grooms who fell asleep in the hills where grew, woke fearless knights warriors. Poor queen of the elves and old women witches transformed into beautiful girls taking a bath in a decoction of thyme and rue.


First Hippocrates, in his book "On Diet", says thyme is warming, laxative and diuretic, expels phlegm, while "On Disease" the proposed anti-phthisis of the larynx.

Dioscorides reported on the beneficial properties of Thyme in great details: "When drunk with salt and vinegar, it expels phlegm from the abdomen. The decoction with honey helps those with orthopnea, asthma or helminths, facilitates menstruation and childbirth, are also diuretic and mixed with honey helps expectoration. "

Pliny in 77 AD mentions the "natural history" of that thyme "epileptic calms, quiets a headache, and when burned it gets rid of all poisonous creatures." He recommends compresses on the head with a decoction of thyme and vinegar for treatment ofa headachee, toning, and as an antidote to snake bite.


Thyme is one of the oldest herbs used in the world. The medical use has been known for thousands of years, and science still finds therapeutic applications.


Apart from all these, thyme remained a favorite culinary herbs in Europe (popular ingredients of French cuisine), one of the best herbs for grilled meat and fish. With thyme can make excellent marinades and flavored olive oil, and gives one of the best honeys with beneficial properties.

• It is recommended as a natural stimulant of the immune and nervous system. Eliminates bacteria, it is antiseptic and germicide.


• antispasmodic of the digestive tract facilitates digestion, calms the nervous contractions of the stomach and intestine.


• It helps to reduce stress and mental depression. Helps spirit clarity while reducing anxiety and depression. Indicated for the treatment of insomnia. As a stimulant helps with weakness, anxiety, neurasthenia, depression, migraine.


• It helps to cope with symptoms of influenza, it is antipyretic, soothes coughs and relieves respiratory smokers. Thyme has been used successfully for the treatment of bronchitis.

Spasmolytic, cough pertussis, bronchitis and asthma. Treats respiratory tract infections, lung infections, bronchitis, pharyngitis and tonsillitis.


• Thyme soothes indigestion and minimizes the amount of gas in the digestive system, and has anticonvulsant properties. Combats intestinal disorders.


• It helps increase iron levels in blood, especially useful for women and people who have a tendency to anemia. A cup of tea of thyme, a tablespoon ie, provides 20% of daily recommended intake


• It has a high content of antioxidants

Thymol, located in thyme is a powerful antioxidant that can prevent cancer cells and free radicals from being installed in the body. Still, protecting against diseases associated with age and delay the signs of aging.


• Rich in vitamin A, thyme improves vision and contributes to obtaining healthy skin and fights skin infections.


• Helps to maintain healthy blood pressure, especially for people with a history of high blood pressure.


• It strengthens bones because it contains calcium, vitamin K and

iron, contributing to the creation of strong and high bone density and delay osteoporosis.


• Reduces inflammation from arthritis, allergy problems, or joint pain and anti-inflammatory ingredients strengthen and protect the heart


• The thyme essential oil has strong antiseptic, antibacterial and fungicidal properties and is used for the treatment of gynecological mycoses.


• Can be used to soothe skin problems such as acne, dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, bites, and helps in treating hair loss, cure scabies and ringworm.


Thyme, like most herbs and aromatic plants, must be consumed with care. Continuous and excessive use may cause a malfunction of the thyroid,

dizziness, diarrhea and cardiac depression. for use by hypertensive because it raises blood pressure is also not recommended

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